Inferior Thinking


The February article from my Better Ideas for Better Decisions Newsletter asked, “Who’s Telling Your Love Story?” I addressed the idea of “thinking cleanly” about yourself, and I wanted to discuss it more here on the blog. Thinking cleanly I love this concept of thinking cleanly. Here is how it works. You and I have...
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What could you do with a greater idea of yourself? Consider becoming part of the next generation of great decision-makers. But first, think about this. Every day you stand at the ballot box of your own life casting a vote on which idea gets your attention. Do you know if you are choosing wisely? The...
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Unfortunately, most people are entirely unaware they use the same old thinking, often believing their good is being delayed because of bad luck or someone else’s inferior decision making. This type of thinking causes disruptions of all kinds. It’s here inferior thinking creates casualties in careers, relationships, health, and creative endeavors. Even worse, most unintelligent...
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