Workbook Dedication

In no small way can dedicating this website and the Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook fully express my gratitude to Rev. Dr. Lloyd George Tupper for his encouragement and support of my quest to contemporize the work of Dr. Raymond Charles Barker. We both agreed early on that a mutual goal for this workbook would be to create a whole new generation of great decision makers. When you help one individual let go of inferior thinking, you offer them a more perfect expression of their own innate genius. But this on-the-go, self-study workbook will help new audiences around the globe, allowing many more individuals, families, workgroups and even whole communities to benefit from these universally available spiritual principles. When I approached Dr. Tupper with my vision to bring a more contemporary approach to The Power of Decision, first published by Dr. Barker in 1968, Dr. Tupper offered his enthusiastic endorsement and support. He was also willing to share his own profound spiritual and psychological insights from 50 years of Ministry with me as well. I learned so much about the pragmatic approaches to spiritual life both he and Dr. Barker shared and how these influenced Dr. Barker’s way of speaking and writing. I trust this very special collaboration between Dr. Tupper and I has allowed me to integrate what I learned into the pages of my workbook as well as illuminate the richness of Dr. Barker’s original material. Every effort has been made to honor both of these men who dedicated so much of their lives to helping others.
Dr. Tupper first became a student and ultimately a close friend of Dr. Barker’s after discovering the profound benefits of spiritual mind healing in the New Thought movement. Dr. Tupper told me when he went to New York City to meet Dr. Barker for the first time, at the entrance of the office building a sign read, “What the Mind Can Conceive, Humanity Can Achieve.”  What a marvelous prologue for a relationship that would be forged over the decades ahead. Dr. Tupper told me he routinely flew across the country to attend Dr. Barker’s weekly classes as well as his Sunday lectures held at the Lincoln Center in New York City. While I never personally met Dr. Barker, I feel as thought I have had the privilege of being in the inner circle of their friendship through the many stories Dr. Tupper has shared with me. Moreover, I feel so privileged to have learned first-hand from Dr. Tupper about his own personal experiences with the teachings, writings and life of Dr. Barker until his death in 1988. 
While it continues to be my privilege to call Dr. Tupper my friend, it is my hope that our future collaborations will grow in their richness and bring new ideas to new audiences all over the globe. Our work is not yet done…. far from it. 

– Dr. Pamela Grey

Reverend Dr. Lloyd George Tupper