

For many people at this time in our country, we need to remind ourselves we are all in this together. I was struck by the frequent advocacy and urgency of this being said. I wasn’t surprised because people are expressing it now but because it was so rarely spoken before this global health scare. We...
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I love James Bond movies. I am going to borrow one of his famous lines today, with a twist. Rather than “shaken, not stirred,” how often do we live stirred, but not shaken? When we feel stirred by a brief experience, something within us is temporarily excited. Perhaps we pause to look at a colorful...
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In The Power of Decision, Dr. Barker says making no decision is a decision to fail. Temporarily making NO DECISION will push your good farther away, just when you need it most! Worry, fear and resentment, a trio of inferior thoughts, help you kick the can farther down the road. Fence sitters and doubters delay...
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Dr. Barker, author of The Power of Decision, challenges us to see ourselves as pure consciousness. He discourages us from the use of personal labels. A credit score, our grades, or a former relationship are not the truth of who we are. Don’t get trapped into the good or bad of any label. Your goal...
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