Self-study opportunities are all around us. Self-study can include taking a short course for cooking, learning tools of a trade, or exploring a new craft. You sign up with a commitment to explore a subject or go into a deeper dive because you think you have a gift or a talent that is untapped. More than a superficial exploration of yourself, your past decisions, your feelings or self-knowingness, the Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook offers powerful tools to influence and improve every aspect of your life.
Informal gatherings, self-help groups, church, and community education programs are all wonderful for personal fulfillment. But before you see these as your only options, I would encourage you to pause, step back for a moment, and ask yourself, “Are you still hungry for clarity about your personal goals and future direction? Are you feeling confused, complacent or even recognize you lack confidence in knowing what you want? Are you feeling constant urges to become a better person, to become more whole, or discover what it means to be an evolved individual?” I know how it feels to keep having urges to get more control of myself and more control over my situation.
Taking Control of Your Decisions
“Control” is a positive word to me, not a negative as it is often construed. A self-study is required to fully absorb the life-changing material in Power Your Decisions. You will commit for a period of 8-10 weeks to a path, a more intensified journey within your own thought process and where your past decisions and feelings have led you this far. But more importantly, you’ll learn how to construct a better future when you know you have all you require to be successful.
Think of Power Your Decisions as a “Truth-O-Meter” experience, or journey of a lifetime. You will spend some real and meaningful time in a dedicated process. The personal exercises and Special Sections give you vitally important new skills and tools. When I say I am giving you a framework for successful living for the rest of your life, I truly mean it.
I ask you to avoid at all cost sampling the book like a buffet. You may taste something you like, but you will never be the cook who knows a great recipe for a deeply rewarding life. And I promise a recipe for personal growth that will enhance your appreciation of the life you can lead, if you allow it.
A Personal Challenge
Take the 8-week challenge and do the deep dive. Or if you are not the solo type, gather some personal friends or close associates and organize an informal study group. I used a small group to pilot test the first three chapters of my workbook. I had all class members give me detailed, written assessments about their experience reading and completing the personal exercises, and half my attendees (none of whom knew one another at the start of the workbook feedback sessions) preferred a solo self-study and the other half loved the group interaction and sharing.
So, have the courage to take this journey by selecting a proven method of study to help you stay on course. And please share your feedback with me, as I am here to support one and all with their very own life changing “Truth-O-Meter” journey.