I love James Bond movies. I am going to borrow one of his famous lines today, with a twist. Rather than “shaken, not stirred,” how often do we live stirred, but not shaken? When we feel stirred by a brief experience, something within us is temporarily excited. Perhaps we pause to look at a colorful sunset while having a blissful reunion. For a brief moment, the whole experience envelops us.
I yearn for being stirred up, don’t you?
When I am stirred up, my feelings are quickly aroused. I know in that moment I am having a great experience, even if I feel somber or reflective. Being stirred up is only a fleeting experience, however. I get a glimpse. My taste buds are enlivened, but I want more. Perhaps that is why the whole holiday season with its array of food is so special. Joined by friends and cheery scenes, I get the whole meal, and it is oh, so satisfying! I get stirred up, but unfortunately it’s over before I know it.
Can I be both shaken and stirred throughout the year?
The truth is, I want to be Burger Queen. Having it all sounds good to me. So, can I have peak experiences throughout my year? Yes, in my own way, I can. I do this by choosing to start each day with positive thoughts. I know I need to consciously invite the presence of Spirit [God] into my life daily, sometimes hourly. So, what do I mean by being shaken? This is when I invite Spirit into my daily atmosphere to hold me tight. Spirit becomes something greater to me than just a momentary experience. It shakes me up in a good way. In those instances, I am not just stirred up but fully awakened to achieve a greater level of connectivity. I spell this inner intelligence with a capital “I”. I call “It” my flagship, my wellspring of inspiration. When I get shaken up like this, the rough edges of life smooth out for me.
Saying “thank you” means I am listening to that inner Intelligence
The Spirit can only know Itself through me. God fully expresses Itself all the time as my whole self, and when I acknowledge this, my life feels in balance. I want to hold nothing back to achieve this. I actually get a physical shiver up my spine when this happens, and I always say thank you in acknowledgement. So, when you reflect upon your year and look ahead, do you want the whole experience of God (love, joy, wisdom and inner peace) to smooth out all your rough edges? If so, isn’t it time you get both stirred and shaken?