When you discover that healthy ideas are your greatest asset, you learn that new thoughts pave the way to new decisions. Through workshops, coaching, and the Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook, Dr. Pamela Grey discusses how these principles can work for you. Learn more below with new perspectives on health, a sample workbook exercise, and a sample of Dr. Barker’s compelling insights, called Barkerisms, related to powering your health decisions.
Learn to make your best decisions in life by letting go of problems, guilt, and remorse while gaining a lasting philosophy to generate your greatest ideas. Are you facing decisions regarding your health, career, finances, relationships, or simply finding more joy in your life? Don’t know where to turn for spiritual instruction? From distinguished New Thought Practitioner Dr. Pamela Grey, Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook offers readers a personalized roadmap for putting greater wisdom and better ideas into action.
Power Your Decisions Self-Study Workbook offers a new, multi-faceted generational tool book to study and practice New Thought life skills to live a healthier, happier life and generate all your greatest ideas. Don’t know
where to turn for personal growth? Need a big push to jumpstart a new chapter in your life? Desiring to find spiritual inspiration as well but don’t know where to start? This workbook gives you an immediate roadmap to apply the concepts presented in the original book. Revealing exercises and essential vocabulary are explained to describe universal principles you will want to adopt quickly. Prepared for active, more mobile audiences with or without a spiritual community, the workbook material is an essential extension of the teachings in The Power of Decision.
*Copyright permission to reference The Power of Decision and other books by author Raymond Charles Barker was granted by Rev. Dr. Lloyd George Tupper.