In The Power of Decision, Dr. Barker says making no decision is a decision to fail. Temporarily making NO DECISION will push your good farther away, just when you need it most! Worry, fear and resentment, a trio of inferior thoughts, help you kick the can farther down the road. Fence sitters and doubters delay making better decisions for themselves. When this happens, optimism quickly fades.
How to avoid detours to nowhere
Drs. Barker and Ernest Holmes, both leaders in the New Thought movement, write about growing spiritually to invite better circumstances into your life. They declare, “Resistance brings contraction; cooperation brings expansion.” They understood how inferior thoughts produce resistant behaviors. When we resist, our attempts to control events or even other people rely heavily on our will power. This detour leads to nowhere. Isn’t it worth considering an alternative route? When we contract our thoughts, we resist spiritual as well as emotional development. As we try to force solutions, we also limit the circulation of ideas, money, opportunity, and even love. When this occurs, our energy, heart and emotions wind down or even grind to a halt. If, on the other hand, we relax and take our grip off God’s steering wheel, refreshing new influences circulate in our life. New scenery brings about new opportunities for exploration.
Try out a new set of wheels!
In the Power Your Decisions Workbook, one exercise has three decision wheels: (1) a NO decision, (2) a NOW decision and (3) a WOW decision. Each wheel represents a part of ourselves essential for a balanced life. A NO decision means all our wheels are stationary. We have stopped our progress by procrastinating, becoming passive, lacking inspiration and being bored. When a NO decision occurs, you are neglecting some part of yourself. You are resistant to change. If, however, you are experiencing a NOW decision, you are making progress. Feeling pressured, restless, anxious, or even out of sorts often is Spirit [God] prompting you to get out of your head and onto the road. Sometimes it feels like taking two steps forward and one back. If, however, you are in the third decision wheel, there is no resistance to getting your motor running. Being hopeful, curious, optimistic and full of zest are sure signals you are cooperating and willing to grow a spiritual consciousness. Each of your wheels are perfectly aligned with God’s greater goals for you! Your awareness of this greater good allows you to see more clearly in all directions. And when a WOW decision is made, your career, health, wealth or love life zoom forward with greater ease and grace. So, get your motor running and get out on the highway. It’s your call to action. Align yourself spiritually to God’s greater ideas. Show up with a shiny new set of wheels and get yourself ready for a great new adventure!